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Solar PV Operated E-Power Triller
Agriculture is the largest employment sector in Bangladesh. The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on major macroeconomic objectives like employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development, food security, etc. Nowadays, Diesel based traditional power tiller is used to cultivate the land. However, the diesel-based power tiller has a noisy operation and emits lots of greenhouse gases. Also, due to the rising Diesel price, it is very difficult to produce crops at a cheaper cost.

Portable Solar PV Charging Station
This project developed a solar photovoltaic (PV) operated E-Power tiller to solve this issue. The developed E-Power tiller provides noise-free operation due to the use of electric motors. It does not emit greenhouse gases due to the use of dedicated portable solar PV charging stations to charge the battery of the E-power tiller. As the developed system does not use Diesel and Grid Electricity, it will surely reduce the crop production cost.

Type: Collaborative Research between Center for Sustainable Energy Research (CSER), Dr. Anwarul Abedin Institute of Innovation, AIUB and Deakin University, Australia.